Neurosaving erectile function - a new dawn for nerve-sparing prostatectomy

Really big prostate cancer news today with the release of very interesting results from the Neurosafe Proof trial at the EAU Annual Meeting in Madrid. Also simultaneously published in Lancet Oncology so this is a big deal!! In summary, this multi centre randomised trial from the UK demonstrates that men undergoing the Neurosafe technique (intra-operative assessment of surgical margins), had higher rates of nerve sparing surgery and this in turn led to improvements of recover of sexual function.

Hosts Declan Murphy and Renu Eapen were delighted to have a detailed discussion on this with key members of the University College London team who led this trial - Prof Greg Shaw, Dr Eoin Dinneen, and Dr Ricardo Almeida-Magana.


Full paper in Lancet Oncology


National Institute for Health Research

JP Poulton Charitable Foundation

Rosetree Trust Orchid


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