Browse through our GU Cast library going back to March 2020
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Neurosaving erectile function - a new dawn for nerve-sparing prostatectomy
Really big prostate cancer news today with the release of very interesting results from the Neurosafe Proof trial at the EAU Annual Meeting in Madrid. Also simultaneously published in Lancet Oncology so this is a big deal!! In summary, this multi centre randomised trial from the UK demonstrates that men undergoing the Neurosafe technique (intra-operative assessment of surgical margins), had higher rates of nerve sparing surgery and this in turn led to improvements of recover of sexual function.
The end of the road for TRUS biopsy? TRANSLATE trial reads out
We are delighted to drop this pod just as the landmark TRANSLATE trial reads out at the EAU Annual Meeting in Madrid, with a simultaneous publication in Lancet Oncology. This is the world's largest trial of transrectal vs transperineal (TP) prostate biopsy, and reports that TP biopsy has superior cancer detection ability. Is this the end of the road for TRUS biopsy
Meet the Quokkas!! #USANZ25 Conference Highlights
This week we had the great pleasure of attending the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand (USANZ), which took place in the beautiful city of Perth, far out on the West Coast of Australia. Not just that, but we spent a wonderful afternoon on one of Australia’s top tourist attractions, Rottnest Island. Tune in for plenty of quokka action!
Biochemical recurrence | With Steve Freedland
A fantastic deep dive into biochemical recurrence, with Dr Steve Freedland. A must-listen for anyone interested in localised prostate cancer. Supported by our Gold Partners, Astellas.
Fellowship fun in Australia (and some prostate cancer chat)!
Two great interviews here, with international guests Kim Chi and Carmen Mir, and a bunch of friends. We discuss mHSPC, and also a fun chat about doing Fellowship training in Australia.
ENZA-P Big news Update: LuPSMA and enza improves overall survival
A breaking news podcast from ASCO GU in San Francisco! Prof Louise Emmett (St Vincent's, Sydney), has just read out the latest update from the ENZA-P trial (and simultaneous publication in Lancet Oncology), reporting that the combination of LuPSMA and enzalutamide improves overall survival when compared with enzalutamide alone, in men with poor prognosis mCRPC. Big news!!
Future-gazing radioligand therapy in prostate cancer | With Oliver Sartor and Michael Hofman
Look who popped into the GU Cast studio this week for a chat about where we are going next with radioligand therapy (RLT) for prostate cancer! Professors Oliver Sartor (Mayo Clinic, Rochester) and Michael Hofman (Peter Mac, Melbourne), are two of the world's most pre-eminent experts in the world of RLT for prostate cancer.
Toni's Legendary Top 10 Papers List!
Dr Toni Choueiri, Chief of GU Oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (Boston, USA) returns to GU Cast with members of his team at Dana Farber Cancer Institute to discuss our favourite lists of top GU Oncology papers for 2024.
Shanghai GU Oncology Highlights Part 2
Part 2 of our GU Cast Conference Highlights from Shanghai including discussions with Dr Stephen Freedland (Los Angeles), Dr Liang Liang (Shaanxi), Dr Andrea Necchi (Milano), Dr Xiaojie Bian (Shanghai), and Dr Hongkai Wang (Shanghai). Special thanks to our Conference Highlights Partner, Bayer China, who set up an amazing GU Cast studio for us in Shanghai.
Shanghai GU Oncology Highlights Part 1
First of out two-part Conference Highlight from the 14th Annual GU Oncology Academic Meeting. One of the top GU Oncology meetings in the APAC region. Thanks to our Conference Highl;ights partner, Bayer China.
Stories of single-port surgery (and cricket)
Final episode of the year!! A fantastic discussion about single-port surgery and cricket with Dr Mihir Desai and A/Prof Daniel Moon, both fresh out of the MCG after watching the Boxing Day test
A Dummy's Guide to Metastatic Renal Cancer!!
A cracking overview of management options for advanced renal cancer, with Regina Barragan-Carillo and Tian Zhang. This is a Themed Podcast supported by our Bronze Partners, Ipsen Pharmaceuticals
The Sir Chris Hoy Effect | Why family history matters
Legendary British cyclist Sir Chris Hoy (48) recently shocked the world by announcing that he has progressive metastatic prostate cancer. His specialists have given him a 2-4 year life expectancy. The dreadful news that no prostate cancer patient wants to hear. Today, hosts Prof Declan Murphy and Dr Renu Eapen welcome their good mates A/Prof Ben Challacombe (Guy's Hospital, London), and A/Prof Daniel Moon (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne) to the GU Cast studio, and patient advocate Andrei Norris who joins on Zoom to discuss the huge publicity this has generated, and the importance of family history in assessing men's risk of prostate cancer.
PLND, ARPI Switch & De-Escalation | PROSPECT Podcast part 2
Part 2 Highlights from a GU Cast Live Event! Dr Kim Chi (Medical Oncologist, Vancouver) and Dr Carmen Mir (Urologist, Valencia) joined the PROSPECT meeting in Melbourne to discuss high-risk prostate cancer and mHSPC, along with many experts from around Australia. On the eve of the meeting over dinner, Declan Murphy led a GU Cast-themed panel discussion on five hot topics in prostate cancer, featuring snippets from GU Cast over the past few months.Part 2 today features controversies in PLND, the somewhat notorious ARPI switch control arm beloved of mCRPC trials, and the important topic of de-escalation in advanced prostate cancer.
The MSKCC PLND RCT | Please explain!!!
What are we to make of this large RCT of extended vs standard pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) for prostate cancer?? We chat with Dr Karim Touijer (MSKCC) and try to figure it out.
PSMA Conundrums & Triplet vs Doublet | PROSPECT Podcast part 1
Highlights from a GU Cast Live Event! Dr Kim Chi (Medical Oncologist, Vancouver) and Dr Carmen Mir (Urologist, Valencia) joined the PROSPECT meeting in Melbourne to discuss high-risk prostate cancer and mHSPC, along with many experts from around Australia. On the eve of the meeting over dinner, Declan Murphy led a GU Cast-themed panel discussion on five hot topics in prostate cancer, featuring snippets from GU Cast over the past few months. Part 1 today features PSMA conundrums and triplet vs doublet therapy.
Treatment intensification in mHSPC | The Who, When, and How? Live webinar replay
Everything you need to know about treatment intensification in mHSPC!! This GU Cast Live Event was an interactive educational webinar supported by our Gold Partners, Mundipharma.
ESMO24# Prostate Cancer Highlights | Reaction from China
Another of our Themed Podcasts supported by Bayer China. This one dedicated to discussing the three biggest prostate cancer papers at the recent #ESMO24 meeting in Barcelona
Ten Years of ENZAMET | the gift that keeps on giving!
We really enjoyed listening to Ian Davis and Chris Sweeney tell the story of ENZAMET, one of our all-time favourite clinical trials, run by our favourite co-operative trial group, ANZUP. This is a Themed Podcast supported by our Gold Partner, Astellas.
All your GU Highlights from #ESMO24!
Fantastic highlights from this year's best GU Oncology meeting, #ESMO24 in Barcelona! Our Conference Highlights are supported by our Partner, Bayer China