PLND, ARPI Switch & De-Escalation | PROSPECT Podcast part 2
Part 2 Highlights from a GU Cast Live Event! Dr Kim Chi (Medical Oncologist, Vancouver) and Dr Carmen Mir (Urologist, Valencia) joined the PROSPECT meeting in Melbourne to discuss high-risk prostate cancer and mHSPC, along with many experts from around Australia. On the eve of the meeting over dinner, Declan Murphy led a GU Cast-themed panel discussion on five hot topics in prostate cancer, featuring snippets from GU Cast over the past few months.Part 2 today features controversies in PLND, the somewhat notorious ARPI switch control arm beloved of mCRPC trials, and the important topic of de-escalation in advanced prostate cancer. Part 1 recently in your feeds included PSMA conundrums and triplet vs doublet therapy.
This is a Themed Podcast supported by our Gold Partners, Johnson & Johnson, who also support the PROSPECT meeting.
Special thanks to David Chen for help with videography
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